
Be nice to fundraisers, they're people too!

Having come to Oz, the easiest job to get is fundraising, with no experience needed and a friendly outgoing personality, I found it easy to get started in the job. However, i used to think of it as selling your soul, to work on the streets and beg for money for a charity. And, well, I still do! It's a shit job but it pays. Thankfully I'm travelling lots with my team so that's a positive, otherwise I'm sure I'd have quit be now!

Here's some advice for those of you that hate us, because we hate ourselves enough already, so we don't need you guys making us any worse

If you don't want to talk to us, just say no thanks, we don't need a long winded excuse because we just don't care about your sick dog...
Don't ignore us, we're dicks, but we're still people, and if you ignore we want to kill you/ourselves
Don't pretend you're on the phone, we can tell, you're a dick.
Don't pretend to deaf, you're a massive dick
Don't stop just to 'cheer us up' if you're not going to sign up, then move on so we can find someone who will

We're not out there to scam you, and we have to be super friendly, so be friendly back, it's only polite :)

The job is pretty demeaning, and depressing. We know you hate us, butnit's our job and as much as we can take endless rejection, it does get old fast!

EDIT: if you're single and cute, give us your number, most people (boys and girls) doing this are single!



I was going to write a blog post yesterday, but I have already forgotten what it was going to be about...

Fundraising perhaps, and my experience with it so far. Well, it's hardly a job to be proud of, but it pays well enough and thanks to free accommodation I'm saving loads of money. Plus I'm getting to travel lots too, off to Port McQuarie later today after one night in Sydney. Last week we were in a small town called Terrigal which was right on the beach and the hostel had free surfboards so we managed to get a bit of surfing in, although the waves were tiny!

I'd actually recommend it to people looking for work here, it gives you a chance to meet some pretty cool people as well.

Looking forward to travelling more, and hopefully finding some more girls!