

Hello to the two people I know that read this...

This post was inspired by a rather rediculous post I saw online, that said "If a man comes during sex it's normal, if a woman comes is exceptional" or something similar, I'm paraphrasing.

I'm sure you know me well enough to know that I disagree! It all comes down to effort, and dominance. Men come because they are the ones putting the greater percentage of effort in, and are in charge of positioning. If a girl wants to enjoy herself more, she must be more active, either putting in as much effort, or changing the position into one which works for her. I know most guys would not complain about this! I only remember being with one girl who was totally assertive, in fact, she was pretty damn pushy as well, insisting she was on top and grinding away in a way that did nothing for me. I was happy to oblige though, knowing that she was enjoying it, and well, things would continue on afterwards.

Perhaps girls should stop worrying about how good the boy is, and work on making it work for them!

Also, what's the deal with the toilet seat thing? Putting the seat down takes practically 0 effort, while lifting it is more work (physically speaking, it's obviously not a big deal) but I've never heard a bloke moaning about have to lift the thing!

I've had a few bits n pieces to write about for a while, but I seem to have forgotten the others...

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