

I got an email a week or two ago from a man called Neil Strauss. He wrote my favourite book ‘The Game’ and quite a few others, which are also awesome.

It was an email about time managment and goals, and while I have now read it about 3 times, I thought I should actually write down some of my responces.

If you want a copy of the original I’d be happy to forward it to you.

1. My time is worth about £5.50 an hour. That’s my hourly wage, and the average of what I worked last year. Not much, but I am a student, so if we include the costs of that I get nearly £20 an hour :D

2. To do lists - time to start using the windows sidebar again, with a big old list of shit I need to do!

3. link what I do to my goals. Uni - getting a degree, working - earning money for my boarding course, music - to make me happy!

4. People who suck up my time… not too many of them thankfully!

5. Turn off phone and email when working. I NEED to do this!

6. Remove facebook/tumblr from my view, so I don’t keep checking!

7. Exercise everyday - increase focus

8. Log time usage

9. Limit internet use

10. Do the big things first, not the easiest.

11. Goals: To play in kick-ass bands as much as I can, be involved with music, and experience as much as I can as often as I can. Gigs, albums, promotion, management, and playing bass. To finish my degree and get a 2:1 at least. To leave the UK and complete a snowboard instructor course abroad, then become an instructor and snowboard everyday. To travel as much as possible and see as much as this world has to offer me before I die.