
Fuck Scene!

Mini rant first.

Why is it that when you say to someone (this is in birmingham exclusively) 'Do you fancy going to the pub on the xth?', they will say yes. But if you ask the same person, 'Do you fancy coming to see my band (or my friends band, or this band that are really fucking good) on the xth?' they'll say 'Yeah, maybe.' and then not show up.

Is it because everyone in Birmingham is a twat? No, but there really is a serious lack of music scene here, and a serious lack of support for what might actually make the scene less lacking! So next time my friend says, hey man, my band are playing on the xth, I'm going to go, and I hope you all do too! Support your friends, Hell, they might even be good!

Speaking of which, my good friends the Tie Dye Quartet are playing on weds, go and see them, they're good and you've nothing better to do.

Rant over.



What the fuck is scene? Is it only liking the bands which are scene? Is it dressing scene? Is it acting scene? 

Well, yes and no to all of the above. But unfortunately it seems to me that most scene kids (and believe me I saw enough tonight!) don't really have a fucking clue about their actual music scene! Instead of 'scene' being a word to describe a certain area or cities musical subculture it is now a term that is an extension on emo. Like emo, there are certain defining styles both in music and appearance, but also like emo it is possible to dress in many scene clothes without being scene, and to not dress scene at all but still be scene as fuck. I guess a lot of it is attitude, and clothing combinations but looking scene is fine. I look scene I guess, people say I do certainly, but I only look this way so people think I am scene, and then when I tell them about Allucinere or I Have Clones, they might actually listen. See my post on marketing for more on this theory!

For some reason scene is cooler than emo, mostly because you can't be 14 and scene, there's an age thing going on. But by being scene you're credability is rated higher than if you're emo and therefore people supposedly are more likely to believe your recomendations (I may have done a post about credability too, go find that and read it too) 

But (and this is the big one!)

As far as I can tell, with only a few exceptions, every scene kid in Birmingham likes the same bands. Nothing local, nothing that's not scene. So when at Bring Me The Horizon tonight I found myself surrounded by hundreds of incredably similar, yet subtly different fringes, and I found them all hating The Secret Handshake (who were fucking shit to be honest) but loving Deez Nutz (who were also fucking shit) it became clear. A band has too look uber-fucking scene, and play brutal. A band that does not do this are either too wussy and emo, too poppy and wussy, to metal and hairy or some other shitty reason. It doesn't even really matter if the band are very good, so long as all your scene mates like them too, they're scene. But, if like so many bands in Birmingham, there isn't enough scene cred flying around your band, well, then you're fucked. The Scene kids don't know and don't care, you're nothing to them till you've toured with xallxIxwantxisxtoxdiex the ubercore band from the US.

Well, fuck you scene kids, maybe you should start listening to music in Birmingham for a change - it may not be perfect but it's at least as good as some of the shite you're listening to.

Go listen to

The Archer Home
Random Conflict
Kneale Brown
and of course Allucinere
I Have Clones

and then go to some fucking gigs, you pieces of shit!

God, I hate this city sometimes.

Rant 2 over.


pleasure pain

emo title I know...

But I had a thought on the bus. And it in many ways supports the idea that there is a god (me, supporting religion? Whatever next!) and it's essentially that good people are happy, and bad people have shitty lives. 

Think of all those shitty chavy wankers there are, they beat people up, and steal things, and in return they go to jail, live in shitty flats and live shitty lives. Where as good people tend to be happier, their friends aren't wankers, they live in nice places and have decent jobs. 

Of course there are more exceptions to this rules than there are expamples that support it. But I like the principle. Be nice, have nice things happen to you. Be a shit, live a shit life. I believe it is capable for everyone to live a happy life, they've just got to take the right steps towards it. 

go to www.isowish.com for a good way to start working on a new way to improve your life. 

Maybe I want to live in a nicer place! See ya later kids