
My Audience

Seems to be mostly Russian! Hello Russians :)

Also hello to the USA, you're in second place

Even Canada is doing better than the UK - which is where I live!

Oh well, if someone wants to offer me somewhere to stay in these countries I'd love to travel. So if you're some kind of crazy super fan, then let me know ;)

Gig Reviews

I've been getting back into my gig reviewing, for Brumlive.com

Head over now and look for my name, there should be a few recently.

Any advice on writing - please send it my way, I'm no Shakespeare!


Some people hate me...

Awesome, so why are they nice to me in person?

I don't hang out with people I don't like, and I don't have reason to complain about these people. As far as I know, I've done nothing wrong, except maybe pulling a girl they wanted!

Also, there's some people that think I drink :S Sober for 7 years, but apparently faking...
