

I've been reading quite a lot the last couple days, mostly about the psychology of computer games. It's a field I've found fascinating, and today I met a subject I feel quite strongly. Inspiration here and here

Game difficulty!

Now, one thing should be made clear - I am not good at video games! I am a casual gamer! Despite playing them so much through my teenage years, I only ever finished a couple of games, 007 Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, on my N64, oh, and Lylat Wars, but never the hardest route.

I owned lots more, but I never had the patience to get all the stars, or the skill to get the best time.

And since then the only games I've actually completed are Call Of Duty, and Dragon Age. I got bored of Oblivion twice before finishing it.

I rarely find a game that engages me enough to actually pull me in make me want to play, I'll happily buy a game, and let it sit there for months, I don't know why. I need something that is immediate enough to get me involved before I get bored of plot crap, but enough depth to make me take the next step.

Dead Space plays well, but the 'scary' atmosphere just annoyed me, and the seemingly endless tasks of go here, get that, put that there, bored me, and with no real plot I doubt I'll ever play the game again. To top it off, I found out that I'm only on chapter two of eleven or something! I cannot be arsed to wade through a game, especially with so far to go.

Dead Rising pissed me off pretty early, my players level wasn't high enough to beat any of the bosses, and I stubbornly refused to restart and go through all those quests again. In the end, I relented, blasted through the first quest with ease, and found the game quite fun, it even has enough plot to keep me happy. My gripe here is the length - I'd be quite happy to have finished it already!

All the Final Fantasy games bore me now, before I even reach any action. Although IX did draw me in well enough for a good few run-throughs.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is I'm picky, anything that pisses me off gets binned, anything that bores me get's binned.

So, I need mildly involving plot, lots of rewards, nothing too challenging, and breathers and of course - genuinely fun gameplay!

Damn, I'm a game bitch!



I keep thinking of great ideas, but forgetting them again! so here's a little list...

Left forearm - "I Am All You've Ever Wanted" lyric from Brand New, because I love this band, and I love the arrogance of it, I kinda suits me as I'm sure a lot of people would agree.

Left Elbow - need to finish off the sun, and add a load more little bits to fill all those gaps - I want it quite dark in the end

Left Stomach - I need a filler for my sign, a dystopian/ruined city ideally

Chest - another quote on the left side to match the first, then them both put into scrolls, then between them an old style clock, but with numbers replaced with compass points, the hands pointing to 10 past 12. More to be added to this eventually, but that's all I know for now

Right arm - a sleeve design by Alex CF based around his wildemere comic series.

Back - lyrics from another song in the bottom left, then at the very bottom a city scape, possibly New York, with reflections in the water, the shore line being about the level of where my trousers normally sit. The reflection will show the darker side of the city though, with dark shit going down n tingz

Left calf - a page from DMZ my favourite comic series by Brian Wood.

That would leave me pretty covered, although I do want knuckles, hands and neck tats as well, just not sure what yet!