
Why you should have sex on a first date. (girls)

I know the dating thing in this country is pretty much a history lesson now, but even if the 'date' is just meeting them with your/their mates at a club, or the oh-so-obvious come round and 'watch a dvd', it still pretty much applies.

1) If they're the kind of guy who is just after you for sex, then why hold out? If that's all he's into, then it's all he'll be into after two more dates. All you're doing is getting more attached to him, so it'll hurt more when he uses you and moves on. Go for it straight away, enjoy it while you can and the whole thing is over with much quicker.

2) You don't want to go on a whole bunch of dates and find out he's shit in bed.

3) No-one thinks it's slutty any more, people do it all the time, so just relax. So long as your date wasn't a quick snog against the wall at some dirt club then I think you'll dodge the slut thing.

4) It's fun, and if this is the guy you spend the rest of your life with, that's one more time you've had sex!

Most importantly, don't use sex as a tool in the relationship. If he's a great guy (which he must be if you like him) then he can probably get laid when he wants, so it's not that special. It can't be used to make him commit, it's essentially bribery, which is manipulation. And who wants a relationship which is based on that? Do you really only want to go out with a guy who only agreed to get laid?

You're setting yourself up for a fall...


The Man I Would Have Been

What kind of man would I be
If I had the oppurtunity
to start it all over again?
to live life all over again?
Start from the start
hit the reset button
and take a step back to try again

Would I plan every step or just throw myself in
Would I work more or party harder
would I make the same choices
or become a whole new person

Would I hit the bottle at a young age
get fucked up every day
or stay sober and do the office thing
could I become a rocket scientist
or save peoples lives
or stay at home waiting for the phone to ring

Would I plan every step or just throw myself in
Would I work more or party harder
would I make the same choices
or become a whole new person

Would I plan every step or just throw myself in
Would I plan every step or just throw myself in
Throw myself in
Throw myself in

I'll never know
I'll never fucking know

Take A Step

Also used for a Towers song


I spread my wings
a take the step
the air rushes through my ears like I've never heard before

The sites you see are more beutiful
the smells so much more breath-taking
the sounds lift you up
and the feeling sets you free

the irony of only feeling alive
in the seconds before you die
if only it could last

the last few days have been my favourite
my dreams of dying are the best i ever had
everyone I met glowed with love
everything I touched seemed to glisten with life

the irony of only feeling alice
in the seconds before you die
if only it could last

It's a long way back to Kansas

These lyrics were actually used for a Towers song recently - something I've been meaning to post since I finished actually. May do that soon!


so concentrate
and focus on the path ahead
don't get distracted by scenery
it's not pretty

place one foot down the next in front
travel the distance in time
in time you'll make it there
your destination is your humanity

the path might be long a tough
but focus son and you'll make it there
take steps to make it your own
take steps to make it yours

so concentrate
and focus on the path ahead
don't get distracted
by the scenery
it's not pretty

your destination is your humanity
your destination is your destiny

I Know If You Know

I don't even know if you know
but I can't go on thinking you might
I'll empty my mind of all thoughts
so I can understand all of yours
We'll share your problems between us
put the wieght on both our shoulders
and carry them together
We'll carry your problems together

I'll live me life for you
give my life for you

I'll leave with you now
and never look back
we'll build up a new life
start brick by brick
it's time we made it fresh
and time to hit reset
so pack yout things
we're leaving now
Bye Bye sexy girl


Here's the thunder here's the rain
the flash that lights you face
as we sit in the darkness
waiting for a trace

a trace of the morning light
to awaken our hearts
give hope back to this fight
as our life together re-starts

you hold my hand in the darkness
I tell you all will fine
you hold my hand in the darkness
The sun will soon shine

The fire has long since died
the warmth has nearly left us now
but hope we still have
and strength somehow

you hold my hand in the darkness
I tell you all will fine
you hold my hand in the darkness
The sun will soon shine

Couple things...

First up, I've been writing reviews again. They're available to read online at brumlive.com. I'd appreciate some feedback on them as I know I'm not the greatest writer ever.

I've also been writing some song lyrics, they're not amazing, but I like them. I tend to just get the first line when I'm doing something (washing up or taking a leak seems to be when I'm inspired!) and then write the song along that theme. They're all a little cliche, but I'm working on it! I may go back and edit them, or I may just be lazy and leave them. Let me know what you think!



I finished Bayonetta tonight, and it's a perfect example of what annoys me so much about so many games.

The gameplay is fantastic, really great fun, and the first levels really got me hooked. It was easy and intuitive to get a handle on, so kicking my way through angels just rocked. And the new bad guys they added worked as well, although it got kind of annoying when you'd be introduced to a new guy, then 2 minutes later you'd be fighting him again, then again in another two. It just ruined the specialness of those characters.

What really brought the game down in my eyes was two main things:

Firstly a truly horrific plot, one that I could not follow in the slightest, and really just messed you around. Add to this the LOTR length cut scenes near the end, I was sorely tempted just to skip them, after all I didn't care what was being said any more. A game plot should keep you hooked into the story, but this one just kicked you out part way through, which pissed me off

Secondly, the simply stupid bosses that appeared in the last half of the game. Instead of challenging by way of actual skill, they made it challenge by luck of the draw. After getting my ass handed to me over and over again by one boss, I mashed away at the buttons and barely took a scratch. The semi-final boss fight is a bit of a piss take as well, almost impossible to hurt him without taking damage before or after. And as for the one hit kills button mashing in the actual final boss, that should just be removed - it doesn't add anything to the game other than a lame way to make that fight last longer.

Oh and as for all the super fast quick time events, they can fuck off too, it's not a challenge to hit a button at the right time, so why include so many? The player just has to re-do the section and hit the button. The amount of times I had to do that because I'd put the controller down for the cut-scene.

Great gameplay seriously let down by shitty bosses and a shittier plot.