
Romantic or Creepy?

I got to thinking about this when a girl I met in Thailand told me about a guy who had been following her across borders and around islands. My first thoughts were how romantic, that he was willing to change his plans just to be with her, but she thought it was creepy. So I did a bit of research, and there's a few articles online on the subject, (one totally stolen from another, bad reporter!) each listing some examples of what was romantic and what was creepy, and yeah, when phrased with bias it's easy to make a possibly romantic gesture seem creepy and vice versa. For example: Tony meets Gemma in a hostel in Bangkok and after a night out together she leaves, without having exchanged any details. Tony asks around at the hostel and finds out where Gemma has gone and decides to catch her up. He finds the hostel she's staying in at the next town and surprises her. Now it's easy to spin this either way, mostly based on how the night out was, good or bad, and how he finds out where Gemma has gone, asking others who she knew, or everyone at the hostel. But at the end of the day, the defining difference between romantic and creepy is... Whether she likes him! Simple as that, if they hadn't exchanged details because they forgot, and she wanted to see him again and he magically appears at the next hostel as well, well then ain't that just grand. But if she deliberately didn't give him her details, then he turns up to see her, well that sure is creepy! Well fair enough, makes sense to me... but wait. Isn't romance supposed to be about wooing the lady? Making a girl that's not into you get into you with romantic gestures. Yeah that sounds right, but wait. If she doesn't already like you then those big romantic gestures (and the bigger they are, the worse it is) are just seen as creepy and push her further away from you. So, thanks creeps and stalkers for ruining romance for everyone, and thanks girls for assuming anyone trying to be romantic is being a creep. Romance is dead, long live awkward honesty.

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