
Me, in brief!

I just wrote this on facebook, but it sums me up well so I'm reposting it.

"I (if you hadn't guessed) play bass guitar, that's most of my life. I just wish I could quit uni and play bass all day. I study Music Tech at BCU. I'm straight edge so I don't drink any vodka leomonade. I live in erdington. I go to subway city, but only once a fortnight for anarchy. I love the Gosta Green, my friends are always there so I feel like someone from friends when I walk in. Some people say I'm scene as fuck, but I think scene is bullshit (as I say so lots) I do wnat to meet you, but that makes you more priviledge, not less. I don't know how tall I am, but I like my body. I love music, sex and snowboarding. I play with bands, there should be links on my profile somewhere, but I don't think facebook likes them. I'm playing Barfly on monday. I want you to come.

I want to see every pretty girl I meet naked. Does that make me a pervert, or just honest?

My three favourite things are music, sex and snowboarding - in that order.

There's a slightly worrying insight into who I am!"

What should I write about next people?

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