

Hello, I am a person.

Like all people, I have flaws (and plenty of them!) but in general I think I'm a pretty ok guy. But every now and again I come into contact with people that I really struggle with, people that are just plain horrible.

I don't understand these people, they're always miserable, seeming so unhappy with what they've got. Not only that, but they seem to want to bring everyone else down with them, as if somehow that'll make them seem better by comparison.

I don't live an ideal life, (what with the girls n all) but I don't hurt people on purpose, infact I avoid it as much as possible. I'm not great at it, but at least I don't attack others.

What I like most is meeting people, but I don't like meeting those people. It takes a lot to get me down, so when someone does, they were either very close, or very miserable!

Be happy people, and lets get on with our lives yeah?

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