
Epic Post!

It seems to me that those that like metal often tend to be depressed people. Now I'm not stupid enough to take that to mean that the music has that much of an effect on the person. But more that the music may be a reaction of the person, away from the norm that they are not happy with.

People who do not feel they fit in, use the music as an escape, and the subculture to find more people that are similar situations.

Of course, there is no problem with this in principle, but the problem arrises when you have the patients nursing the patients. While the unity may be there, the support structure is made up of people who need support themselves. This can only lead to bad places. With so many people on anti-depressants these days how can it be that anyone is really happy?

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that by grouping together they may be making it worse for themselves - certainly, some of the shit that arrises when you mix two people that are fucked up together is spectacular.

Just to clarify, I'm not saying all people that like metal (or emo or whatever) are depressed, nor that everyone who is on anti-depressants is fucked up. Just saying, it's an interesting subculture, a trap into which too many people fall into.

On another note:

Have some respect people!

I know that bitching happens, and it's actually a healthy way to vent about someone without having an arguement. But it's when people start fucking others over that I get annoyed. Don't ditch your mates, don't sleep with you ex's mates, don't start a fight over nothing, and don't go stirring. If two people have a fight, listen to them bitch and moan, try to make them feel better, try to sort it out if you want. But don't go feeding the fire by telling the people what horrible things the other has said.

Think about the consequences of your actions, and think of how it would feel to have the same happen to you.

I just want people to be happy!

BTW - I apologise for everytime I've failed to empathise with someone, I know there have been occasions that I've done things that have screwed a friend over. My humblist apologies, I'll do my best not to do it again!

And on another other note:

Hollywood has ruined our expectations of life. Everyone wants to have a happily ever after, a group of friends that will never leave, a BFF, an amazing career as a rock star/secret agent. And it's simply unreasonable, no-one actually leads the lives portrayed in movies, and no-one believe that they do. But they implant in us, at a young age, the idea, the hope that our lives could someday be like that. It stays with us for life - and if you're lucky, it feeds your ambitions and helps to drive you forward. But for others it provides a very unfair comparison to their own lives.

Comparing your own life to a film is like comparing a pebble to a sausage. There are some loose similarities (they both weigh an amount, both can be thrown at a duck) but beyond that there's no point. So how about you compare your life with your own life. Weigh up the positives and negatives, realise what you have got, and appreciate it. Remember the silver lining, all you need to do is reframe things in order for them to become a positive influence in your life.

So, stop think how inadequate your life is, reverse that frame and look at how awesome it is really. Stop sulking - it's ungrateful :P

And finally:

I'm up in brum this weekend, early finish at work, on the train, then off to play games and chill out with the best friends a guy could ask for. Then to anarchy, where I will see so many more people, people I love and care for each in different ways. I will be in my element, with great music, great friends and great dance moves ;)

Saturday will be spent eating filthy greasy breakfast, maybe getting my lip peirced and seeing all the people I don't get to in the evenings - there's a few that are high on this list! Then, at the crazy early time of 5 I'll be heading off to see a crazy amount of crazy metal bands playing crazy metal songs with my crazy metal friend (yes he's a robot) Then I'll be whipping out the costume for a night of more friends, more tunes, and more moves.

I can't wait, and I hope to see as many of you out as possible. You should all know how to get in touch, even my mobile number is on my facebook page!

Be happy people :D I am :P

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