
It's been a while

So here's a nice update for you :)

Work is still going, I go in every day and have a little of my fun drained out of me. I should be gratful, it pays well enough and the guys are all pretty cool really. I even have time to write a blog every now and again! Still, it's made me even more sure that office work is not what I want to be going into at all, I want to be be doing things, not just typing away or crunching numbers.

I completed the sex ban, all is well and good, it didn't fall off or anything like that, which is good news. It hasn't changed me, or my thoughts on sex or relationships, which I kinda thought it would. I'm still just me, and well, that's fine by me! I still haven't quite reached my £500 target, just £40 short, so if you're yet to donate, please do it soon so I can give up nagging you all! www.justgiving.com/40days

I have more of idea what's going on in my life as well, I know I'll be moving back to birmingham in July, and probably splitting my time between there and London until I head back to Uni in October. I think the summer will be good fun, but I need to find somewhere to work so I can earn some of the money that I've spent back again. If anyone knows somewhere that could use someone over summer that'd be sweet. Although I'm off to do all sorts of festivals and shit (Slamdunk and Reading booked already!) so maybe I'd be useless!

Finally, the music thing is looking up again! After ATWE fell apart because I had to go to London (without recording the awesome new tunes unfortunately) I was in a limbo for quite a while. Trying out here and there, but nothing since the summer tour with I Have Clones. However me and Rob started talking music again, as he's now settled into his new place in London, and we formed a band via the magic that is gumtree. I was very surprised with the talent we've got, and we've pieced together 3 songs already, we're hoping to have a full set written by the end of April and then get gigging in June. Not settled on a name yet, but that be sorted soon, then we'll get to work on the old online presence.

Life has been good to me the last couple years and it doesn't seem to be stopping :D

Don't forget to donate if you haven't yet! www.justgiving.com/40days

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