
Terra Vs Ben

I was talking to a girl the other day and she said something that made me think. It was the idea that Terra is a different person to Ben...

Terra is my confident, outrageous, cocky personality, while Ben is quieter, nicer and more introverted. I realise that everyone changes depending on the situation, and I know I don't have split personality disorder or anything like that. I just like the concept that there's two people, who act differently and want different things. It certainly explains some of the contradictions that I come out with!

Ben wants a girlfriend, to settle down, to watch films and snuggle, someone to buy flowers for when picking up the milk on the way home, he wants structure and stability and comfort.

Terra wants to go out and play around, meet lots of girls and flirt his heart away, he wants a different girl every night of the week, but wants to sleep alone, he wants his own space. He wants adventure, the excitement of the unknown, and doesn't want to get tied down.

I imagine every guy feels a bit like this, and balancing the two is part of what makes you who you are. Obviously I'm a bit out of whack at the moment, what with being filled with sperm, but I know that the 'Terra' side of me has been winning for the last year or so. The idea of a girlfriend appeals so much to the 'Ben' side, yet I am torn between the two, and I'm taking girls with me. They meet Terra, the cocky wanker that he is, then get suckered by the sappy wanker of Ben.

I wish I only wanted one thing, but it's so damn hard! Maybe if I shoot myself through the cheek I'll be cured!

1 comment:

kneale Brown said...

thats what kurt said

but in all seriousness this is a problem all males contend with such is the desire to 'spread their seed'