

I've come over with a very strong urge to get more tattoo.

I need to get my belly piece finished, and I want to get some more stuff done to my chest, building it into a complete chest piece. I'm also hoping to get my left arm filled up with some more geeky shit, and my right arm done with a complete sleeve based around the Wildermere comics, but I wanna get that done by the original artist. I'm saving my left calf for my Dad, and I want more writing on the lower left side of my back... but I still have lots of bits here and there, so here's my proposal.

If you're an artist, and you'd like to see your work tattoo'd on someone, then send me some pictures, and if I like them, I'll get them done. Simple as that - you draw on me!

KEEP DONATING YOU MOFOS! www.justgiving.com/40days

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