
working it all out.

so, with all this stuff going on everywhere, so many places to put content it's all gettig a bit confusing. It's a good thing I don't do video blogs and take photos as well or I'd be really screwed!

Facebook - this is for communicating with friends and flirting with girls - Personal, Informal, Intimate, Interactive
Tumblr - this is for showing off cool shit - Informal, Impersonal, Global,
Blogspot - this is for writing - Formal, Personal, Intimate, Mono
Twitter - I still have no idea what this is actually good for - Informal, Global, Useless

So, from now on - anything more than a quote or status update will go here. Cool pictures, quotes, videos and links go on tumblr. Personal status's about how I am, and what I'm up to will go on my Facebook. Announcements and adverts will be twittered.

and of course, everything has a link to everything else, and most content is posted to the other places, but now in the smallest possible way.

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